Luis Francisco Madriñán, PhD

Concordia University, Department of Geography,
 planning and Environment.  Office H1261.00.

1455 blvd de Maisonneve west, Montreal, Quebec. H3G 1M8, Canada.
Phone: 514 - 848-2424 ext: 5484. Email:







Doctor in Philosophy (PhD):  Fisheries Science.  Oregon State University. Corvallis, Or, USA. March, 2008. Co-major Professors: Dr. Hiram W. Li and Dr. Guillermo Giannico.


Master’s in Sciences (MS):  Arid environments ecologist, Use, Management and Conservation of Natural Resources.  Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste. S.C., La Paz, Baja  California Sur, México.  Nov 2002. Major Professor: Dr. Alfredo Ortega Rubio


Bachelors Degree:  Ecologist.  Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.  1996 – 2001. Major Professor: Dr. Andres Etter Rothlisberguer.




  1. Madriñán, L.F.  2008. Biophysical factors driving the distribution and abundance of redband/steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) in the South Fork John Day River Basin, Oregon, USA.  Doctoral thesis. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University.


  1. Madriñán, L.F; Etter, A; Boxall, G; Ortega, A.  2007. Tropical alluvial forest fragmentation in the eastern lowlands of Colombia (1939-1997). Land degradation and development. 18, 199 – 208.  DOI 10.1002/ldr.767


  1. J. Börner, S. Baron, A. Breceda, A.Serrat-Capdevila,C.Coronel, M Dalthorp,E.M. Demaria, M.M. Donoso, L.L. Dubbs, A. Sabatini – Dufek,  K. Fernandes,  M. Higgins, E. Michael, N.J. Johnson,  L.F. Madriñán, L.C. Magzul, C.M. Martinez, L.C. Moreno, S.M. Ortiz, G. Ponce, R. Portilho, M.S. Reboita, I. Ruiz-Mallén, L. Salazar, K. Schuenemann A. Townsend-Small, R. Vazquez-Miranda, and G. Zuniga.  Climate Change in the Americas: Synthesis, Integration, and Assessment. 2007. Whitepaper.



Submitted Manuscripts:


  1. Madriñán L.F; White, S; Faux, R; Heppell, S; Giannico, G; Feist, B; Li, H. W. 2009. Temperature as an index of trout carrying capacity. (Submitted to “The Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences”, January 2009)


Manuscripts in Preparation:


  1. Madriñán L.F; Giannico, G; Li, H. W.  2009.  A riverscape perspective on habitat associations and distribution patterns of redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri (In internal review, NOAA and USGS).


  1. White, S.M; Madriñán, L.F; Li, H.W. and Giannico, G.R. 2009. Can a trait-based approach provide clues for community assembly? A case study in an eastern Oregon fish assemblage (In internal review, USGS).

Other Publications:

In addition, I have published in Spanish 2 reports for government agencies in Colombia and Mexico (published), 1 report for the Congress of the republic of Colombia, 2 environmental impact assessments reports, published 3 research articles in non-reviewed journals and at conference proceedings, and 1 article for the general public.

Professional Experience:

Concordia University, Department of Geography, planning and Environment. Postdoctoral Fellow. March 2009 to present.
1455 blvd de Maisonneve west, Office H1261.00. Montreal, Quebec. H3G 1M8, Canada. Supervisor: Dr. Jochen Jaeger.

Amount Funded: CAN$ 81,600 for 2 years

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS).  Postdoctoral Fellow. June 2008 to March 2009. University of California, Santa Barbara. 735 State Street, Suite 300, Santa Barbara, California,USA.  Supervisors: Dr. Tim Beechie and Dr. Mary Ruckelshaus.  Amount Funded: US$ 42,000 for 1 year.

Oregon State University. Graduate Research Assistant. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. September 2003 to April 2008. Zip code: 97331. Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Supervisor: Dr. Hiram W. Li – Dr. Guillermo Giannico. Amount Funded: US$ 128,000 for 4 years

 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (NOAA). Sediment budget modeling to prioritize habitat recovery actions in Puget Sound (GIS collaborative work, volunteer).  Northwest fisheries science center NWFSC.  February 2003 – May 2003.  2725 Montlake Blvd East.  Seattle, WA. Past supervisor: Dr. Blake Feist. Watershed Program. Environmental Conservation Division.

Centro de investigaciones biológicas del Noroeste. S.C. (CIBNOR, S.C.) (Center of Biological research of Northwest S.C)  Graduate research assistant.   September 2001 to November 2002. La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.  Past Supervisor: Dr. Alfredo Ortega Rubio. Amount Funded: US$ 12,000 for 2 years

Centro Internacional de Agricultura tropical (CIAT). (International Center of tropical Agriculture). Thesis internship GIS laboratory. Past supervisor: Jaime Jaramillo Chief of the GIS laboratory CIAT.   July 2000 to April 2001.  Km. 17 vía  Cali – Palmira.  Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Amount Funded: US$ 3,000 for 1 year.


Congress of the Republic of Colombia, Consultant in environmental projects. Past supervisor: Dr. Jorge Julian Silva M.  Colombian Congress’s.  June 1999 to October 2000.    New congress Building Cra. 7. # 10 –00.  Bogotá DC, Colombia.  Projects funded: US$ 52,000


Fellowships and Awards:

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Top-up funding Award for new Postdoctoral fellows for 2009-10.  May 2009. Amount awarded: CAD$ 5000

US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION. Travel award from the Pan-American advanced studies institute.  June 4 – 13, 2007.  Amount awarded: US$1,200


HENRY MASTIN GRADUATE FUND.  Award given to pay for research and travel costs.  March 2007.  Amount awarded: US$1,600


NEIL ARMANTROUT SCHOLARSHIP.  Given for academic accomplishments and research in Wild trout and the effects of land use on their populations.  March 2007. Amount awarded: US$1,500


ANDRES BELLO AWARD.   Department category.  Best High School student in the department of Vichada, Colombia, 1994 - 2001. US$ 7,000


BACHILLERES POR COLOMBIA AWARD.  Chosen as one of the 30th best High school students in Colombia. 1994 - 2001.  US$ 16,000



Teaching Experience:

Oregon State University. Teaching Assistant. Population Dynamics FW 320 - 322. Supervisor:  Dr. Selina Heppell. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife.  January 2007 to April 2007. Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Oregon State University. Teaching Assistant. Limnology FW 456. Past supervisor:  Dr. Stanley Gregory. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. April 2006 to June 2006. Corvallis, Oregon, USA

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Teaching Assistant. Botany II.  Past Supervisor: Dr. Henry Y. Bernal.  Department of Science. August 1998 to December 1998.



Invited Talks:


Talk title: “Redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) distribution and longitudinal temperature profiles: Implications across a basin”.  H2OSU Institute for Water and watersheds. Oregon State University. January 2007.


Talk title: ‘Landscape Ecology applied to the analysis of fish populations in eastern Oregon, USA”.  Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín.  Maestría en boques y conservación ambiental.  Medellín, Colombia.  August 1, 2006.


Talk title: “Landscape Ecology applied to the analysis of fish populations in eastern Oregon, USA”.  Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.  Facultad de ciencias.  Bogotá, Colombia.  August 11, 2006.


Talk Title:  Transformation process of an alluvial flood plain forest in the eastern planes of Colombia, Puerto Lopez, Meta. ( 1939 – 1997).  Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste. S.C.  (CIBNOR).  La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.  May 5, 2001.


Recent Talks:


Hiram W. Li; Luis Francisco Madriñan; Seth White; Ian Tattam; Guillermo Giannico and Joseph Feldhaus.  “From Microscope to Macroscope: How Heat Shock Proteins and Stream Temperatures affect the IFD Across a Catchment”. North American Benthological Society (NABS) 56th Annual Meeting Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.  May 25-30, 2008.


Luis Francisco Madriñan “Temperature as an Index of Trout Carrying Capacity”. International association of landscape ecologist (IALE) 7th world congress.  Wagenningen, The Netherlands.  July 8 – 12, 2007.


Luis Francisco Madriñan, Guillermo Giannico and Hiram W. Li “Temperature as an Index of Trout Carrying Capacity”. International association of landscape ecologist (US-IALE) 22nd annual conference.  Tucson, Arizona, USA.  April 9 – 13, 2007.


Luis Francisco Madriñan, Guillermo Giannico and Hiram W. Li “Redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) distribution and longitudinal temperature profiles: Implications across a basin”. 43rd Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.  Eugene, Oregon, USA.  February 28, 2007.


Luis Francisco Madriñan, Guillermo Giannico and Hiram W. Li “Redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) distribution and longitudinal temperature profiles: Implications across a basin”.  IV Research Advances in Fisheries, Wildlife and Ecology symposium. Oregon State University.  Corvallis, Oregon. USA.  November 2006.


Luis Francisco Madriñan, Guillermo Giannico and Hiram W. Li Title: Factors controlling spatial distribution of Redband trout “from basin to reach scale”. 42nd Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.  Sun river, Oregon, USA.  March 1 – 3, 2006.


G.R. Giannico, S.A. Heppell, H.W. Li, J.W. Feldhaus, Luis Francisco Madriñán, and I.A. Tattam. “Using Tier III Monitoring at Various Scales as a Planning Tool for Stream Restoration”. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting.  August 7-12, 2005. Montréal, Québec, Canada.


Luis Francisco Madriñan.  “Linking fine and coarse scale studies to determine spatial distribution of redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) at the watershed scale”. 41st Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.  Oregon State University.  Corvallis, Oregon. USA.  February 16 – 18, 2005.


Luis Francisco Madriñan, and Alfredo Ortega. Land use and vegetation cover changes in the Cabo San Lucas region, Mexico (1973 – 1993)”. II Research Advances in Fisheries, Wildlife and Ecology.  Oregon State University.  Corvallis, Oregon. USA.  November 2004.



Russell Faux, Matthew Boyd, German Whitley, Luis Francisco Madriñán. Title: Characterization of Riparian Topography and Vegetation Using High-Density Lidar Data and Multispectral Digital Imagery. Remote sensing applications conference.  April 24 – 28, 2006. 


Luis Francisco Madriñan, Transformation process of an alluvial flood plain forest in the eastern planes of Colombia, Puerto Lopez, Meta. ( 1939 – 1997). International Congress of map maker popular research.  Centro internacional de Agricultura Tropical.  Palmira, Valle del Cauca.  Colombia.   November 2002.


Luis Francisco Madriñan, and Fabio Gomez. Interactions between the cloudy tropical forest of high mountains and the paramo’s ecosystem (Tablazo – Sumapaz, Cundinamarca, Colombia).   First national congress of ecological research. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá D.C.   Colombia.  April 1997.


Reviewer for:

Forest Ecology and Management, Land Degradation and Development, and Interciencia


Professional memberships:

International Association of Landscape ecology and American Fisheries Society

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